
A Word on This Section

A brief look through will make the place appear sparse. Well there is a reason for this; I don't have a lot of information for you just yet. Sorry about that. But as the comic grows, so will this page/section. So check back every now and then, will you? You might get a surprise.

Or not. Depends, doesn't it?

For now, use the below "table of contents' to navigate to the information you wish to read about. The stuff on the left is "real world" information about this comic and the creator. The stuff on the right details information on the world of Nourth.

Table of Contents for This Page

About the Artist

Once upon a time there was a young boy who wrote a Horror story for his eighth grade English class. He didn’t think much of it at first. He’d written it up in desperation and turned it in with the hopes of getting a D. Or maybe, sweet maybe, a rare C-. It was just one assignment among many, and one of the few he turned in.

The next day a girl he knew came up to him in the hall. She told him how good his story had been. According to her, his English teacher had read it before her class.

He was mortified. Despite the girl’s kind words, the only reason he could think for having the story read in class was as an example of what not to do when writing. It couldn’t have been that bad. Could it?

When the story was returned to him, he thought there had to have been some mistake. There was an A on the page. That particular grade was for other people. Not for him. And not for a story he wrote.

It didn’t matter what he thought. Other people thought he could create. In time, he came to believe they were right.

From that day forward, he was doomed to become a Writer.

Since he loved Horror movies and Horror stories, he vowed to become a Master of Horror. He read everything he could on the subject. He sought out names like Robert Bloch and Richard Matheson, Stephen King and Dean Koontz, Ramsey Campbell and James Herbert, H. P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe. If there was a How-To book on the subject he read it. If there was an essay analyzing the subject he sought it out.

But this was not the only avenue he pursued. Film after film, show after show, he buried himself in elder horrors, gruesome murders, and horrid violence. It came to a point that his parents thought he wouldn’t like a film unless there was a decapitation, or “Blood” in the title. And they might have been right.

After years of research, he knew far more about the art of Horror than anything he had been taught at school. With this information, he felt he should be able to write stories that chilled the soul and curled the marrow of readers everywhere. Dark tales would bring him his due.

So he started writing comedic Fantasies more and more.

He’s not quite sure how that worked.

From his first inkling of success to this, Cullen has had very little published, though he hopes to change that soon.

He also hopes to one day recover from the stress of talking about himself in the third person. He means, honestly. Who talks like this? Not him, that's for sure.

About the Comic

I've worked with the characters you meet in this comic for... Gads, you can't imagine how nice it is, switching from the third to the first. Like losing a headache you didn't know you had.

Anyway, I've been working with Krevan Arlsen, the Wizard Dredmor, their friedns and enimes, for better than six years now. One day I hope to have them in a published novel, but right this instant I'll settle for "update on time".

On the One Road to Ruin should be a comedy, despite my own over-all serious demeanor. It will have it's serious moments, as a lot of the people of Nourth are serious people. However, don't be surprised when something sureal or even silly happens. Nourth is not right, you see...

About the Lands of Nourth


Nothem is a fair sized kingdom on the Eastern Continent. It is rule by a hereditary King and a semi democratic parliament.

This is the kingdom in which our story begins.

About the People of Nourth

This section will grow as soon as our Heroes start dealing with peoples other than their own kind. I will say, though, that Humans not native to Nourth, though very few on the world know this.

On the One Road to Ruin is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
A good number of the fonts used in this comic come from BlamBot
A very small portion is done in Welltun Cares Funt (© 2008).
It should be "font", but the guy who made it has trubble spelin. And updating his comic site.
On the One Road to Ruin and the characters portayed there in are © 2007 Cullen M M Waters.
They are not for use without his say so, save in case of review or discussion, where a (very) small portion may be used.
It's nice that you've read all of this! Way to go!